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Our Story

Getting started in any field is tricky, especially when the field in question has belonged to a small group of, let’s call them connoisseurs, for quite some time. The wine industry today is multifaceted and the general interest has exploded worldwide in recent years. It has become more accessible through influencers on social media, countless blogs, eccentric winemakers, and your local somm at the closest wine bar (one of the many). This is an amazing thing and a step in the right direction. But at the same time, so many still get anxious when faced with a wine list and the fear of getting snubbed for ordering “the wrong thing” or not knowing what goes with what. Why is this?

pair it

I’m asking the question because that was exactly how I felt. Despite my huge passion for wine I still felt limited, and to an extent, intimidated. Here is where my journey into wine began. The first step was to learn everything possible on my own, absorbing information anywhere I could find it, tasting the classics, visiting vineyards, and trying to make sense of it all. 

WSET School London

This journey went into a blog, it was a fun and great way to document and sort out all this newfound knowledge – and perhaps something to take further. To be able to do that I really needed to step up my game, especially in a world filled with do’s and don’ts so enrolling in the WSET School London was a natural next step. Armed with an expanded knowledge base and a somewhat more fine-tuned palate I went back to the drawing board. What if there was an online hub of knowledge, no prestige or snobbery, just a cool go-to when you have a question about wine, or something related to wine? I would have loved that. And there it was, that’s how was born. 

Where are we at?

Bottle by bottle the hub is being built. It is, of course, quite the undertaking but it will get there and like everything else it comes down to consistency. While stepping up the WSET-latter and getting more contributors involved, the goal of a flourishing wine hub is not too distant. 

//Johanna Klingfors, founder & managing editor